
テーマ「心臓手術」のブログ記事一覧 麻酔科勤務医のお勉強日記 /ウェブリブログ

タイトル 日 時小児心臓手術における血小板機能とその術後出血との関係についての前向き予備研究
A prospective pilot study of platelet function and its relationship with postoperative bleeding in pediatric cardiac surgery Minerva Anestesiologica 2012 May;78(5):556-63 ...続きを見る

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2012/05/02 12:40心臓手術中にシリンジとサーミスタコネクタへの血液リークにより肺動脈カテーテル捕捉を早期発見
Early recognition of an entrapped pulmonary artery catheter by blood leaking into the syringe and thermistor connector during cardiac surgery Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica Volume 50, Issue 1 , Pages 38-40, March 2012 ...続きを見る

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2012/05/02 08:58肥満と開心術後早期合併症の関係
Obesity and postoperative early complications in open heart surgery Journal of Anesthesia published online 24, April 2012 ...続きを見る

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2012/05/01 09:08人工心肺からの離脱時に低用量バゾプレシンは左室機能を改善する;二重盲式無作為研究
Infusion of low-dose vasopressin improves left ventricular function during separation from cardiopulmonary bypass: A double-blind randomized study Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2012 Volme : 15 Issue : 2 P: 128-133 ...続きを見る

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2012/04/23 09:03低侵襲心臓手術を受ける患者でクモ膜下モルヒネは静脈内 PCA よりも優れている
Intrathecal morphine is superior to intravenous PCA in patients undergoing minimally invasive cardiac surgery Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia Year : 2012 Vol 15-2 P 122-127 ...続きを見る

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2012/04/21 10:31OPCAB 手術を受ける患者で Spectral Entrop モニタリングは麻酔薬投与量を減少さ
Spectral Entropy Monitoring Reduces Anesthetic Dosage for Patients Undergoing Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 13 April 2012. ...続きを見る

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2012/04/20 12:00IABP の重症合併症;単施設 12 年間の経験
Severe Intra-aortic Balloon Pump Complications: A Single-Center 12-Year Experience Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 26 March 2012 ...続きを見る

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2012/04/13 08:01スフェンタニルの効果部位濃度目標値を低く設定すると、弁手術後の早期抜管が可能となる
Low Target Sufentanil Effect-Site Concentrations Allow Early Extubation After Valve Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 12 March 2012. ...続きを見る

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2012/03/18 08:26単独 CABG 手術後早期の罹患率と死亡率に及ぼす BMI の影響
Effect of Body Mass Index on Early Morbidity and Mortality After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 13 March 2012. ...続きを見る

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2012/03/16 11:58小児心臓手術の術中乳酸値と術後合併症
Intraoperative lactate levels and postoperative complications of pediatric cardiac surgery Pediatric Anesthesia Article first published online: 12 MAR 2012 ...続きを見る

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2012/03/15 09:30人工心肺中の脳自動調節能の限界を予想する
Predicting the Limits of Cerebral Autoregulation During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 114 no. 3 503-510 ...続きを見る

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2012/03/04 16:11人工心肺下に大動脈弁置換術を受ける患者で、ウリナスタチン投与が心筋と腎傷害に及ぼす効果
Effects of ulinastatin treatment on myocardial and renal injury in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass Korean J Anesthesiol. 2012 Feb;62(2):148-153. ...続きを見る

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2012/02/26 17:16認知機能温存の早期利点は心臓術後 1年後に維持されなかった:無作為対照試験の長期的追跡
Early benefit of preserved cognitive function is not sustained at one-year after cardiac surgery: a longitudinal follow-up of the randomized controlled trial Canadian Journal of Anesthesia published online 31, January 2011 ...続きを見る

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2012/02/07 10:59心臓術後のヘパリン起因血小板減少症(HIT):患者 1722人の観察研究
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia After Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Study of 1,722 Patients Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 24 January 2012 ...続きを見る

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2012/02/01 08:03周術期に IABP を留置した心臓手術患者では、下行大動脈石灰化は腎機能障害と院内死亡率を増加させる
Descending aortic calcification increases renal dysfunction and in-hospital mortality in cardiac surgery patients with intraaortic balloon pump counterpulsation placed perioperatively: a case control study Critical Care 2012, 16:R17 Published:2012-0... ...続きを見る

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2012/01/29 10:39心臓手術患者での硬膜外カテーテルに関連した脊椎硬膜外血腫−症例報告−
Spinal epidural hematoma related to an epidural catheter in a cardiac surgery patient -A case report- Korean J Anesthesiol. 2011 Dec;61(6):524-527. ...続きを見る

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2012/01/06 14:23肺動脈カテーテル挿入中の不整脈発生率に及ぼす患者体位の影響
Impact of Patients' Positions on the Incidence of Arrhythmias During Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 04 January 2012. ...続きを見る

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2012/01/06 14:23CABG手術を受ける患者で、麻 酔薬は、脳障害の生化学的マーカー、脳のマグネシウム障害を軽減する
Anesthetics Reduce Biochemical Markers of Brain Injury and Brain Magnesium Disorders in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 30 December 2011 ...続きを見る

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2012/01/05 12:43先天性心疾患手術を受ける小児で、乳酸値が死亡とPDの必要性を予測する
Lactate levels predict mortality and need for peritoneal dialysis in children undergoing congenital heart surgery Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Article first published online: 12 DEC 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/12/15 10:15アスピリンの周術期中止タイミングと待機的CABG手術後の転帰
Timing of Preoperative Aspirin Discontinuation and Outcome After Elective Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 05 December 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/12/07 13:19成人心臓手術後の転帰に及ぼす高乳酸血症の影響
The impact of hyperlactatemia on postoperative outcome after adult cardiac surgery Journal of Anesthesia online 24 November 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/11/29 11:15僧帽弁手術を受ける冠動脈疾患患者でセボフルラン vs プロポフォル:無作為研究
Sevoflurane vs. propofol in patients with coronary disease undergoing mitral surgery: a randomised study Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Article first published online: 21 NOV 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/11/24 10:43胸部ドレーンからの出血量の増加は、心臓術後の有害事象と独立に関係している
Increased Chest Tube Drainage Is Independently Associated With Adverse Outcome After Cardiac Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 21 November 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/11/23 22:50心臓手術後の乳児で、Airway pressure release ventilation APR
Airway pressure release ventilation improves pulmonary blood flow in infants after cardiac surgery Critical Care Medicine: December 2011 - Volume 39 - Issue 12 - pp 2599-2604 ...続きを見る

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2011/11/21 16:02心臓手術後の痙攣:トラネキサム酸とその他の危険因子の影響
Seizures following cardiac surgery: the impact of tranexamic acid and other risk factors Canadian Journal of Anesthesia published online 08 November 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/11/17 08:32冠状動脈バイパス術(CABG)後の脳梗塞のリスク:年齢と併存症の影響
Risk of Stroke After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Effect of Age and Comorbidities STROKEAHA.111.620880 Published online before print October 27, 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/11/14 18:48心臓手術に肺動脈カテーテルの効果はない
Lack of Effectiveness of the Pulmonary Artery Catheter in Cardiac Surgery Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 113 no. 5 994-1002 ...続きを見る

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2011/11/12 14:28βブロッカー治療と心臓術後のPTSDの発生頻度:前向き観察研究
Treatment with β-Blockers and Incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 04 November 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/11/09 13:33心臓弁手術を受ける貧血患者で組み換えヒト・エリトロポイエチン注射が輸血必要量に及ぼす効果
Effect of Single Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection on Transfusion Requirements in Preoperatively Anemic Patients Undergoing Valvular Heart Surgery Anesthesiology: November 2011 - Volume 115 - Issue 5 - p 929-937 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/28 15:53持続オキシメトリで測定した中心静脈酸素飽和度の遷延性低下は小児心臓手術患者で有害転帰と関係している
Prolonged Central Venous Desaturation Measured by Continuous Oximetry Is Associated with Adverse Outcomes in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Anesthesiology: November 2011 - Volume 115 - Issue 5 - p 1033-1043 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/28 15:53人工心肺後の心臓内、肺内血栓に関連した高い死亡率
High mortality associated with intracardiac and intrapulmonary thromboses after cardiopulmonary bypass Journal of Anesthesia published online 19 October 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/25 16:35成人開心術後の長期人工呼吸の術前・術中の決定因子
Pre-operative and intraoperative determinants for prolonged ventilation following adult cardiac surgery Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Article first published online: 14 OCT 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/18 13:23著者の返事:心臓術後のドブタミン投与は有益か有害か?
Author's responser:Dobutamine administration in patients after cardiac surgery: beneficial or harmful? Critical Care 2011, 15:444 Published:2011-09-27 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/17 15:57レター:心臓術後のドブタミン投与は有益か有害か?
Letter:Dobutamine administration in patients after cardiac surgery: beneficial or harmful? Critical Care 2011, 15:444 Published:2011-09-27 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/17 15:05心疾患患者での変力作用薬の使用、術後6時間の生理学的変数、病院死亡率、腎機能障害の関係
The relationship between inotrope exposure, six-hour postoperative physiological variables, hospital mortality and renal dysfunction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery Critical Care 2011, 15:R162 Published:2011-07-07 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/17 15:05僧房弁修復における胸骨切開と開胸術での PaO2/FiO2 の比較
Comparison of the PaO2/FiO2 ratio in sternotomy vs. thoracotomy in mitral valve repair: a randomised controlled trial European Journal of Anaesthesiology: November 2011 - Volume 28 - Issue 11 - p 807-812 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/12 08:37CABG手術を受ける患者で、周 術期BISモニターは抜管までの時間を短縮するか?
Does Perioperative Bispectral Index Monitoring Decrease Time To Extubation In Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedures? The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2011 Volume 30 Number 1 ...続きを見る

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2011/10/11 10:20成人心臓手術でのミルリノンと死亡率:メタアナリシス
Milrinone and Mortality in Adult Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 26 September 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/09/28 15:10小児心臓手術での出血量に及ぼすトラネキサム酸の効果:無作為試験
Effect of tranexamic acid on blood loss in pediatric cardiac surgery: a randomized trial Journal of Anesthesia published online 24, September 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/09/28 15:10胸部外科ICUでの臨床的な方法と検査の組合せによるヘパリン誘発性血小板減少症(HIT)の診断
A Diagnosis of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia with Combined Clinical and Laboratory Methods in Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 113 no. 4 697-702 ...続きを見る

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2011/09/27 10:57大動脈弁とCABGの複合手術を受ける高齢者でトラネキサム酸は輸血量を減少させる:無作為対照研究
Tranexamic Acid Reduces Blood Transfusions in Elderly Patients Undergoing Combined Aortic Valve and Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 16 September ... ...続きを見る

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2011/09/21 16:24術後急性腎不全と人工心肺持続時間の関係:メタ分析
Association Between Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury and Duration of Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Meta-Analysis Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 16 September 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/09/21 16:24潜在性低潅流の指標としての中心静脈酸素飽和度と乳酸値の組み合わせと心臓術後の転帰
Combined Central Venous Oxygen Saturation and Lactate as Markers of Occult Hypoperfusion and Outcome Following Cardiac Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia shed online 16 September 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/09/20 18:25心臓術後昏睡患者での無意識持続期間の予測因子
Predictors of Duration of Unconsciousness in Patients With Coma After Cardiac Surgery J of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia published online 20 Jan 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/09/17 15:59心臓手術を受けるインドの患者に EuroSCORE は適用できるか?
Is applicable to Indian patients undergoing cardiac surgery? Ann Card Anaesth 2010;13:241-5 ...続きを見る

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2011/09/11 09:20僧房弁術後の心臓トロポニン放出の予測因子
Predictors of Cardiac Troponin Release After Mitral Valve Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 13 September 2010 ・心臓トロポニンI(cTnI)測定が周術期の心筋傷害のマーカーとして広く使用されているが、CABG以外の手術では限られた知識しか存在しない。 ...続きを見る

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2011/09/10 13:05心臓手術における血液回収のための品質保証プログラム
A quality assurance programme for cell salvage in cardiac surgery Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Article first published online: 24 AUG 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/09/06 13:27心臓手術に対する胸部硬膜外麻酔 vs 全身麻酔のメタ分析
Meta-analysis of Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/09/05 09:10大きな心胸部外科術後のICUで生じた高ナトリウム血症は死亡率増加と関係している
Intensive care-acquired hypernatremia after major cardiothoracic surgery is associated with increased mortality Intensive Care Medicine Published online: 24 July 2010 ・高Na血症は内科ICUではよく見られ、死亡の独立危険因子とされている。高Na血症は、心胸部外科術後のICU患者群ではでまだ研究されていない。そこで、外科I... ...続きを見る

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2011/09/04 08:53超低体温循環停止がBISに与える影響
Impact of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest on the BIS index Journal of Clinical Anesthesia Volume 22,Issue 5,Pages 340-345 (August 2010) ...続きを見る

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2011/09/03 09:01心臓手術後の急性腎障害のリスクに及ぼす赤血球輸血の影響;貧血患者と非貧血患者では異なる
Influence of Erythrocyte Transfusion on the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery Differs in Anemic and Nonanemic Patients. Anesthesiology. 2011 Sep;115(3):523-530. ...続きを見る

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2011/09/02 13:06CABG患者で、高圧酸素による プレコンディショニングは心筋と脳保護作用を示す;前向き無作為対照試験
Preconditioning With Repeated Hyperbaric Oxygen Induces Myocardial and Cerebral Protection in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anest... ...続きを見る

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2011/09/01 12:05心臓手術での術前の脳酸素飽和度と臨床転帰
Preoperative Cerebral Oxygen Saturation and Clinical Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/09/01 08:46大動脈アテローム病変と神経学的有害転帰:リスク、診断、管理選択肢
Aortic Atheroma and Adverse Cerebral Outcome: Risk,Diagnosis,and Management Options ...続きを見る

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2011/08/31 08:14OPCABを受ける患者でIABPの 使用は腎機能に影響しない
Intra-aortic balloon pump use does not affect the renal function in patients undergoing off pump coronary artery bypass surgery Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2011 Volume:14 Issue:3 Page:188-191 ...続きを見る

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2011/08/30 10:08大動脈弁置換術後の再発性心室細動
Recurrent Ventricular Fibrillation After Aortic Valve Replacement ...続きを見る

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2011/08/29 08:24複雑な心臓手術の術後出血量に及ぼす周術期凝固状態の影響
The Influence of Perioperative Coagulation Status on Postoperative Blood Loss in Complex Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study ...続きを見る

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2011/08/29 08:23心臓手術後の手術室内での即時抜管がICU在室期間と在院期間に与える影響
The Impact of Immediate Extubation in the Operating Room After Cardiac Surgery on Intensive Care and Hospital Lengths of Stay Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 23 July 2010 心臓手術の終了時に手術室で抜管することが集中治療室在室時間と入院期間と関係してい... ...続きを見る

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2011/08/28 09:04麻酔導入後に低心拍出量を呈する心臓手術患者でドブタミンとミルリノンで血行動態変数と酸素供給を比較
Comparison of the effects of dobutamine and milrinone on hemodynamic parameters and oxygen supply in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with low cardiac output after anesthetic induction Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia vol.60 no.3 Campinas May... ...続きを見る

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2011/08/28 08:58心臓手術での死亡リスク予測:新しいモデルをEuroSCOREと比較
Mortality risk prediction in cardiac surgery: comparing a novel model with the EuroSCORE ...続きを見る

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2011/08/25 08:33周術期リスクファクター、BIS低値持続時間と心臓手術後の中期的死亡率の関係
Association of Perioperative Risk Factors and Cumulative Duration of Low Bispectral Index with Intermediate-term Mortality after Cardiac Surgery in the B-Unaware Trial ...続きを見る

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2011/08/15 08:11心臓手術患者で手動過膨脹は機能的残気量の減少をある程度防止する - 無作為対照試験
Manual hyperinflation partly prevents reductions of functional residual capacity in cardiac surgical patients - a randomized controlled trial Critical Care 2011, 15:R187 Published:2011-08-05 ...続きを見る

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2011/08/10 12:16心臓手術におけるレミフェンタニル:無作為対照試験のメタ分析
Remifentanil in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 08 August 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/08/10 12:16オフポンプCABGを受ける患者の脳酸素飽和度決定要因:観察研究
Determinants of cerebral oximetry in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: an observational study ...続きを見る

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2011/08/09 08:27バイパス手術にはポンプ −オン、オフ、またオン?
Using pump for bypass surgery - on-off-on again? ...続きを見る

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2011/08/08 08:28アンチトロンビン、術後の値はCABG術後の重大な心臓有害事象と関係があるが術前値は関係ない
Postoperative Activity, but Not Preoperative Activity, of Antithrombin Is Associated with Major Adverse Cardiac Events After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/08/08 08:24術後BNPのピーク値の増加は初めてのCABG術後の長期的身体機能低下を予測する
Increased Peak Postoperative B-type Natriuretic Peptide Predicts Decreased Longer-term Physical Function after Primary Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/08/08 08:24CABG患者で術中の収縮期血圧変動は30日死亡率を予測する
Intraoperative Systolic Blood Pressure Variability Predicts 30-day Mortality in Aortocoronary Bypass Surgery Patients ...続きを見る

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2011/08/08 08:23術後低アルブミン血症はオフポンプCABG手術を受ける患者の転帰と関係がある
Postoperative Hypoalbuminemia Is Associated With Outcome in Patients Undergoing Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/08/08 08:21心臓手術患者での術前貧血の頻度と、輸血、ICU在室期間、死亡率との関連性
ブログ本文2The prevalence and association with transfusion, intensive care unit stay and mortality of pre-operative anaemia in a cohort of cardiac surgery patients Anaesthesia first published online: 25 JUL 2011 ・貧血は、イギリスで増加しつつある。 それとは反対の推薦にもかかわらず、多くの患者... ...続きを見る

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2011/07/29 14:37成人心臓手術における転帰不良の予測因子としての術前の末梢血総リンパ球数
Preoperative Total Lymphocyte Count in Peripheral Blood as a Predictor of Poor Outcome in Adult Cardiac Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/07/28 08:48術後の炎症反応マーカーの上昇は冠動脈手術後の短期的・中期的な認知機能障害と関係している
Elevated postoperative inflammatory biomarkers are associated with short- and medium-term cognitive dysfunction after coronary artery surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/07/19 08:24心臓手術患者での強心薬使用、6時間の生理的変数と病因死亡率、腎機能障害の関係
The relationship between inotrope exposure, six-hour physiological variables, and hospital mortality and renal dysfunction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/07/11 08:31心臓手術での人工換気
Mechanical ventilation in cardiac surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/07/08 08:27大動脈弁置換術を受ける患者で加算およびロジスティックEuroSCOREの予測的価値
Predictive Value of the Additive and Logistic EuroSCOREs in Patients Undergoing Aortic Valve Replacement Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 04 July 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/07/06 13:35開心術後の心房細動
Atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery Ann Card Anaesth 2010;13:196-205 ...続きを見る

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2011/07/04 08:30開心術後の心房細動の予防:効果的だがルーチンには使用されていない:英国での調査
Prophylaxis Against Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery: Effective,But Not Routinely Used - A Survey of Cardiothoracic Units in the United Kingdom Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 03 May 2010. ...続きを見る

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2011/07/03 05:13開心術後の心房細動:発生頻度、危険因子、経済的負担
Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery: Incidence,Risk Factors,and Economic Burden Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 31 May 2010 ・術後心房細動(POAF)の発生率、その素因、退院前の治療の結果、入院期間と費用に対する影響を評価するために、心臓手術患者を対象に、2007年1月1日〜2007年... ...続きを見る

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2011/07/03 05:092001年から2007年までの重症患者ケアにおけるデキスメデトミジン:観察コホート研究
Dexmedetomidine in the Care of Critically Ill Patients from 2001 to 2007: An Observational Cohort Study ...続きを見る

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2011/07/01 08:39心臓手術後の3種類の鎮痛鎮静処方について前向き無作為二重盲検試験
A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of 3 Regimens for Sedation and Analgesia After Cardiac Surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/07/01 08:38周術期血圧変動は心臓手術後の死亡を予測するか? ECLIPSE試験の探索的分析
Does Perioperative Systolic Blood Pressure Variability Predict Mortality After Cardiac Surgery? An Exploratory Analysis of the ECLIPSE trials Anesthesia & Analgesia vol. 113 no. 1 19-30 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/28 08:49開心術中の経鼻胃管挿入が術後の悪心嘔吐に与える効果:無作為試験
The Effect of Nasogastric Tube Application During Cardiac Surgery on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting - A Randomized Trial Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 28 April 2010 ・術後嘔気嘔吐(PONV)は心臓手術後かなりの率で生じる。心臓手術時に経鼻胃(NG... ...続きを見る

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2011/06/26 07:47定時心臓術後の術後低体温と患者転帰
Postoperative hypothermia and patient outcomes after elective cardiac surgery Anaesthesia first published online: 21 JUN 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/23 13:07糖尿病患者での脳血管CO2反応性と術後の短期的・長期的認知機能障害の関係
Association between cerebrovascular carbon dioxide reactivity and postoperative short-term and long-term cognitive dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus Journal of Anesthesia published online 17, June 2011 ・糖尿病患者の脳血管CO2反応性がCABG術後の術後認知機能障... ...続きを見る

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2011/06/23 09:18心臓手術でのストロイドの保護効果:無作為二重盲検のメタ分析
Protective Effects of Steroids in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Double-Blind Trials Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 31 May 2010. ...続きを見る

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2011/06/22 07:00心臓手術を受ける小児・青少年における硬膜外鎮痛についての施設の経験
An institutional experience with epidural analgesia in children and young adults undergoing cardiac surgery Pediatric Anesthesia Volume 20 Issue 8,Pages 720 - 726 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/20 08:51人工心肺を伴う心臓手術を受ける小児で、デキスメデトミジン・フェンタニル vs ミダゾラム・フェンタニ
Hemodynamic effects of the combination of dexmedetomidine-fentanyl versus midazolam-fentanyl in children undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia vol.60 no.4 Campinas July/Aug. 2010 ・小児の人工心肺(CPB)... ...続きを見る

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2011/06/18 17:45人工心肺中の中心静脈酸素飽和度と血中乳酸値は小児心臓術後の転帰に関係する
Central venous oxygen saturation and blood lactate levels during cardiopulmonary bypass are associated with outcome following pediatric cardiac surgery Critical Care 2010,14:R149 Published:2010-08-04 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/18 17:43混合静脈血酸素飽和度は、CABG術後の短期的・長期的転帰を予測する:後ろ向きコホート研究
Mixed venous oxygen saturation predicts short- and long-term outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: a retrospective cohort analysis Br. J. Anaesth. First published online: June 16, 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/18 17:34OPCAB中のイソフルランによる心筋保護:無作為試験
Myocardial Protection with Isoflurane During Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Randomized Trial Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 28 June 2010. ...続きを見る

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2011/06/13 11:33心臓術後のバイオマーカーの測定の役割は何か?
What is the role of biomarker measurement after cardiac surgery? Minerva Anestesiologica 2011 March;77(3):334-41 心臓トロポニン(cTn)とナトリウム利尿ペプチドの測定は、心臓術後の転帰を予測することができ、従ってこの状況での診断や治療について、意思決定上の役に立つかもしれない。全ての心臓手術が、cTnまたはナトリウム利尿ペプチドの上昇と同程度に関係するわけてはない。これら測... ...続きを見る

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2011/06/12 07:54心臓手術中のレミフェンタニルTCI投与は術後の痛覚過敏を減少させる
Target-Controlled Dosing of Remifentanil During Cardiac Surgery Reduces Postoperative Hyperalgesia Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 06 June 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/08 13:43輸血は心臓修復手術を受けた幼児の人工呼吸持続期間の延長と関連がある
Blood transfusion is associated with prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation in infants undergoing reparative cardiac surgery Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: January 2011 - Volume 12 - Issue 1 - pp 52-56 ...続きを見る

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2011/06/03 14:34ヒドロキシエチル澱粉とゼラチン溶液は開心術後の血液凝固を障害する:前向き無作為試験
Hydroxyethylstarch and gelatin solutions impair blood coagulation after cardiac surgery: a prospective randomized trial British Journal of Anaesthesia published online on April 12,2010 ・膠質液は開心術後に血管内ボリューム補充のためにしばしば使用される。開心術後は出血のリスクが高い。HESもゼラチンも止血を... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/30 08:25人工心肺のプライミング用に5%アルブミンとHES130/0.4が凝固と炎症反応に及ぼす影響を比較
Comparing the effects of 5% albumin and 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 on coagulation and inflammatory response when used as priming solutions for cardiopulmonary bypass ...続きを見る

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2011/05/29 08:49開心術中の 6%HES 含有電解質溶液(Volulyte)の効果と安全性
Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxyethyl Starch 6% 130/0.4 in a Balanced Electrolyte Solution (Volulyte) During Cardiac Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 23 February 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/05/28 21:14心臓手術での中枢神経保護
Central Nervous System Protection in Cardiac Surgery Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia,Vol. 14,No. 1,32-37 (2010) ...続きを見る

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2011/05/25 08:29定時CABG手術中のS(+)ケタミン持続投与は人工心肺中・後の炎症性サイトカイン反応を弱める
Continuous S-(+)-ketamine administration during elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokine response during and after cardiopulmonary bypass Br. J. Anaesth. (2011) 106 (2): 172-179. First published online: Dec... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/24 08:27遺伝子組換え活性化第VII因子(rFVIIa)は、心臓手術患者の脳梗塞を増やす:メタ分析
Recombinant Activated Factor VII Increases Stroke in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 19 May 2011. ...続きを見る

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2011/05/23 09:48開心術後の呼吸器関連肺炎は死亡の重要な危険因子
Ventilator-associated pneumonia is an important risk factor for mortality after major cardiac surgery Journal of Clinical Anesthesia published online 19 May 2011 ・呼吸器関連肺炎(VAP)は、心臓手術患者の主要な感染性合併症で、罹患率と死亡率の有意な増加と関係している。本研究の狙いは、他の合併症を除く死亡率に与えるVAPの影響を分析... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/23 09:48人工心肺回路の逆行性自己血プライミングが脳酸素飽和度に及ぼす効果
The Effect of Retrograde Autologous Priming of the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuit on Cerebral Oxygenation Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 16 May 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/05/19 13:16開心術後の輸血:リスクなのは患者か、それとも輸血か?
Blood transfusion after cardiac surgery: is it the patient or the transfusion that carries the risk? Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica first published online: 16 MAY 2011 ・心臓術後の赤血球(RBC)輸血は、長期の死亡率増加と関係するとされてきた。本研究では、この仮説を、術前のヘモグロビン(Hb)濃度と腎機能を分析に含... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/19 11:28輸血血液の保存期間は、開心術後の転帰不良とは関係がない
Age of transfused blood is not associated with increased postoperative adverse outcome after cardiac surgery Br. J. Anaesth. First published online: March 16, 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/05/19 07:24小用量デキサメサゾンは定時心臓手術の回復の質スコアを改善する:無作為二重盲検偽薬対照研究
Small-Dose Dexamethasone Improves Quality of Recovery Scores After Elective Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia ...続きを見る

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2011/05/18 10:04心臓修復手術を受ける幼児で輸血は人工呼吸期間の延長と関係している
Blood transfusion is associated with prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation in infants undergoing reparative cardiac surgery Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: January 2011 - Volume 12 - Issue 1 - pp 52-56 ...続きを見る

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2011/05/18 08:53開心術中の輸血は肺の炎症と凝固に関係がある:症例対照研究
Blood transfusion during cardiac surgery is associated with inflammation and coagulation in the lung: a case control study Critical Care 2011, 15:R59 Published:2011-02-11 ...続きを見る

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2011/05/18 08:47CABG後の高齢者で脳酸素飽和度の変化と術後認機能障害との関係
The Relationship Between Cerebral Oxygen Saturation Changes and Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Elderly Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 23 July 2010 ・冠状... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/14 07:31CABGよりも弁手術の方が術後せん妄や短期的認知機能障害の発生頻度が高い
Postoperative Delirium and Short-term Cognitive Dysfunction Occur More Frequently in Patients Undergoing Valve Surgery With or Without Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Compared With Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Alone: Results of a Pilot S... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/14 07:29メタボリック症候群は心臓手術患者の短期的な術後認知機能障害を増悪させる
Metabolic Syndrome Exacerbates Short-term Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Results of a Pilot Study Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 23 August 2010 ・メタボリックシンドローム患者が人工心肺下... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/14 07:24脳酸素飽和度を温存した場合の人工心肺後の術後認知障害
Postoperative Cognitive Deficit after Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Preserved Cerebral Oxygenation: a prospective observational study ...続きを見る

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2011/05/14 07:22オフポンプCABG手術でトラネキサム酸は輸血量減少と関係している:系統的レビューとメタ分析
Tranexamic Acid Is Associated With Less Blood Transfusion in Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 09 November 2010 ・トラネキサム酸はオンポンプの... ...続きを見る

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2011/05/11 08:31CABGにおける最小心肺回路での少量 vs 通常用量ヘパリンの比較
A comparison of low vs conventional-dose heparin for minimal cardiopulmonary bypass in coronary artery bypass grafting surgery ...続きを見る

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2011/05/01 07:34オンポンプCABGでのセボフルラン vs プロポフォル麻酔が術後認知機能に与える影響:無作為対照研究
Cognitive function after sevoflurane- vs propofol-based anaesthesia for on-pump cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial Br. J. Anaesth.  First published online: April 25, 2011 ...続きを見る

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2011/04/29 16:03心筋の虚血再灌流障害に対する5種類のレミフェンタニル投与法の比較
Comparison of 5 Different Remifentanil Strategies Against Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia published online 25 April 2011. ...続きを見る

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